Saturday, February 27, 2010

Night on the Town- part 2

After some sleuthing, questioning and meditiation, I figured out what the hell happened the rest of my crazy night out. I coughed up the number of one of the friends I made and she was able to help me defog the night.

First of all, after we left the first bar we ended up at a place called "Martini Bar". Apparently, I went nuts over all the fine ladies in the establishment. And this girls were rocked out of their trees and easily manipulated.

Got some sweet action right there. I think the one girl was celebrating her birthday, because everyone kept buying her drinks. There were rounds of shots again, and some more martinis. Apple is my favourite by far. In my drunken stupor, I thought it would be a great idea to try to DJ. Might get me more hunnies, so I told the DJ that I was a musician and that he should let me rock a few beats. He agreed to let me try, although he was snickering when I asked. Fuck him, I tore down the house with my amazing beats.

It totally got me the attention of these three (what I assumed to be) hookers. They came up to me after my brief stint in the DJ booth and bought me a drink.

Look at those legs! I mean, booya, total score! That blonde chick is so fine! I was feeling on top of the world. We were chatting and I was completely smashed, so I figured I need seal the deal quickly. I asked the blonde one how much she charged for the night and then I got knocked to the floor and left for dead. Given my state, it was really hard to get back up. But really, I don't think I was out of line to assume these girls were prostitues, right?

The night started to go down hill from there. Needless to say, I embarassed my new friends and they left me at the martini bar. I wasn't done however. I stumbled my way over to The Ceeps and tried to get in. The bouncer wasn't having it though (probably because I smelt like Rob on Christmas day). I believe I yelled a string of obscenities that went something like "Fuck you...fuck your mom...I hope you get herpes....." or something to that effect. He didn't like that too much. Threw me out of my metal rear end.

You think I'd be done and going home right? Nope. I discovered this next little gem while at work. My sexy mocha's at Starbucks noticed while I was turned around to get some milk that I apparently got a tattoo on my back. A "tramp stamp" as they called it. Damn. I went back to the tattoo place and they totally remembered me. Even took pictures. They have never tattooed a robot before. They assured me its "very permanent".

Ugh....and then I went home. I am too embarassed to say what I tattooed on myself. Overall though, pretty wicked night.

Until next time!

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