Friday, February 12, 2010

Ice time!

Hello again world!

Well, I love my new job and all the money I'm making (unlike when I was singing for that horrid band). Everyone hear bitches about the cold and snow, but I can't feel it, although when it dips below freezing my gears to get jammed. I found a nice bench to rest on in Victoria Park while I'm not working and I was taken aback by the strange thing those dumb assed humans were doing at the park. They tied razor sharp blades to their feet and fell all over a giant sheet of ice. How fucking dumb is that? However idiotic it is, I decided to have a go at it. I found a lovely couple to show me how.

But eventually, I got it on my own!

After that energetic exploit, I decided to go to my old stomping grounds "Barneys". I used to play there with those jerks in that stupid band. I found out the hard way that humans are weak and do not take well to patio lounging in the winter.

Well, no beer for now. Back to work!

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